DB Cargo


DB Cargo

We are Europe's leading freight railway


DB Cargo AG is the most international freight railway. Almost 60 per cent of traffic services are pan-European. And new connections are always being added. The network now extends from Lisbon via Nizhny-Novgorod in Russia to distant Shenyang in China.Thus, we offer:

  • The greatest traffic performance across Europe
  • The most customer sidings across Europe            
  • The most freight traffic points across Europe     
  • The largest fleet on the continent

Our recipe for success: Cooperation for higher quality

In 2010 DB Cargo AG agreed closer cooperation in cross-border single wagon traffic with a further six European freight railways.  This production alliance called “Xrail” establishes a new quality standard for transport reliability and extends to economic areas in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg.

Zug durch grüne Landschaft
"Freight transport will grow. We now have the opportunity to bring this growth onto the rails. Fewer traffic jams, environmentally friendly transports: DB Cargo can do it"

Dr. Sigrid Evelyn Nikutta, CEO, DB Cargo AG

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